Whether you are buying, selling or would like to perform a routine diagnostic of a horse, EquineIR™ is valuable for your horse’s health and your finances.
Before Thermography, Veterinarians could only locate problems using traditional methods such as observation and palpation. Now, using advanced EquineIR™ thermography, abnormalities present stressed tissues even before damage occurs. This methodology has been developed and refined over the past twenty-five years and has been proven to be an effective imaging technique for the following:
- Pre-Purchase
- Hoof Balancing
- Inflammation
- General Diagnostics & Preventive Medicine
- Pre-Event Imaging
- Saddle Fit
- Muscle/Nerve Injury
A horse’s saddle should fit correctly and have even bearing on the horse’s back. A thermal review of the horse and the saddle can show when pressure points are unevenly distributed, therefore causing discomfort to the horse and the rider.

The saddle confirms a shift from right to left, and substantially more contact pressure on the right side horizontal pattern and flap. Thermal Imaging interpretations provided by www.interpretir.com.